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Stranded Nigerians in Libya, United Nations help Evacuate 326

A United Nations body called The International Office for Migration (IOM), has helped in repatriating 326 “stranded” Nigerians,a dozen of them were children. On arrival at the airport, officials says that some of them were tortured or imprisoned by the new government in Tripoli before their evacuation. it still remains unclear if they were actually deported.

Over the years Libyan authorities have been expelling thousands of Nigerian illegal immigrants including those with criminal records.
Its obvious These Nigerians have gone through so much during the crisis period and power tussle in Libya. of which there were calls for help from Nigerians stranded in Libya.
Most of these Nigerians were stranded in Libya no doubt in search of "greener pastures", as they were actually on their way to Italy.
They arrived at the Lagos International Airport in two batches, i guess its welcome home to these Nigerians all thanks goes to the International Office for Migration.
Is it worth all these risk Nigerians take while trying to get to Europe,What do you think?

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